dots + winners

Here I have a lot of paper dots, which are the leftover remnants from my address file card cuttings. They're so pretty that I can't bear to throw them away, but after all these years I still haven't thought of anything to do with them, and now I have boxes and boxes full!

Perhaps they would be good for someone who does a lot of collage, or art with paper. Each is tiny, about 1cm, or 3/8" in diameter. Do you have any ideas of what I could do with them? Could you use them? If so I will send you a boxful!

dots by you.

And, thank you to everyone of my past customers who entered the giveaway for my spring-summer 2009 cards. It is so lovely to hear from you all once again, find out who you are, and discover some of your beautiful blogs, too!

Using random generator, I've selected winners for ten packs of cards:

2. cindy : quaint

5. Brooke Reynolds

14. Neon Relish

26. the dipe squad

27. Sheira

33. joanna

35. janet

40. Yellow

45. jessica

63. chicadecanela

Congratulations to you all, I very much hope that you love the new cards and they perk up your old files! If you haven't heard from me already, please send a note to me at sharilyn AT lovelydesign DOT com with your address information so I can get them out to you.

And a big thank-you to you all for keeping in touch!


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