Is one blog ever enough?
Can I say that I lived happily after if I had only one blog?
Do I feel satisfied sharing only interior decor inspiration?
The answer to all of the above is a resounding No!
You know what is coming your way, right? :)
A brand new blog!
Nothing fancy. Just an online scrapbook of things I like - art, jewelry, photographs, music, poetry, books, furniture, rooms, humour, DIYs, dresses, accessories, cats, illustrations, recipes, typography...anything that catches my eye! While I will continue sharing interior inspiration on 'An Indian Summer', for all of you who have liked what I have liked, hop over to An Indian Summer Likes for more of my likes! Yikes! Early morning blogging can lead to a gross lack of creativity when it comes to writing. For a non-morning person like me. So go ahead, count the number of 'likes' in this paragraph, and tut tut away. You won't tut tut away when you see what I have in store for you in the coming days on this blog and also on that blog! Hah!
And while I am on the topic of talking about me and my blogs, let me share with you another way to connect. You can now connect with 'An Indian Summer' on Facebook! I finally figured out the network blog thingie on facebook, and put this blog up to be networked. So, if you are on facebook (and if you are not, My God, how come?!), connect with An Indian Summer and other people with similar interests right away! You can do so by clicking right here, or by clicking on the facebook networked blog widget on the left sidebar [right below the An Indian Summer gang widget]

Follow 'An Indian Summer' on Facebook
And by the way, Good Morning to all you early peeps up and awake right now! And Good Night to folks on the other side of the ocean - Go sleep! Now! :)
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