tonight, in the meadow

I took this photograph tonight while we were out wandering around the meadow together. To me, this image is filled with a whole lot of happiness. Isn't it marvelous - photography? And that it has become just so easy to capture these glimpses from life, and keep them forever.

This year, there have been so many wild animals coming about our place, much more than usual. So far in the past few weeks there have come several deer with their fawns, a bobcat, a cougar, coyotes (always, coyotes), and a mama black bear with her twin cubs.

I read that due to so much of the cool grey weather this year, their natural food sources are scarce, and so they are coming to look for food supplies. Makes me think twice about wandering around in the meadows and bushes with Adelaide like we normally do. We are being extra careful.


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