a winner

Our week has flown by so quickly, but here I will now find a winner for my recent giveway of a shiny new copy of the wonderful children's book Zoe and the Fawn. Thank you to everyone who has visited me and for your comments!

And the Winner is: Shelese!

Oh my goodness! This book would be so perfect for my best friend and her little daughter. Her little girl is named Zoe. She is about 9 months old, and has a heart defect. She is so special because ever since we were little my friend told me that she was going to name her first little girl Zoe. Zoe had to undergo some serious heart surgeries immediately after birth, and hopefully only has to do one more. We looked up what her name means, and it means "Life". It is the perfect name because she originally didn't have a very good chance of living. Now, things are looking a bit more optomistic! Even if you don't chose to give me/her this book I would so love to know the author's name so I can try to track it down myself. Thank you so much for always being so generous!

Well, I don't think that I could ask for a more beautiful match for this sweet little book. Shelese, if you haven't already received my message, please contact me!

If you are interested in finding a copy of Zoe and the Fawn for yourself or your little ones, here are the details now:

Zoe and the Fawn, written by Catherine Jameson with illustrations by Julie Flett. Published by: Thetus books, ISBN-10: 189477843X, ISBN-13: 978-1894778435.

I have also found a few copies available here:

Thetus Books (Publisher)

And, to all of you, thank you all so very much for visiting me and leaving such sweet comments. Receiving and reading each and every one of them is such a joy, for this I thank you.



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