
I woke up very early this morning. It is marvelous, to have such a solitude for myself: darkened house, complete silence, and utter stillness. The rising winter morning sun slowly streaming through my studio window. My only company is a big orange cat, purring loudly, weaving himself through my legs. To him and to me, this precious time is heaven.

When she awoke several hours later, she looked just so sweet and beautiful, sitting all alone in the big bed. I am happy to have captured this moment of my her just waking up into another new day.

Every morning before getting out of bed, we open up the blinds and peer out together into the new day together. What can we see? Is it raining today? Which birds are visiting our trees this morning? What shall we do today?

This little ritual was completely unplanned and unintentional, but the days we forget and just jump out straight out of bed just don't seem quite right anymore. A little bit of bedside window-peeping seems to be a very good way to start each day together, our bridge between the sleeping and waking worlds.


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