goodmorning, daddy!

Many mornings Adelaide wakes up and wants to see her daddy. Poor Charles, he is one of the most mellow and laid back guys I've ever known, but not when it comes to the mornings - he really really needs his space. So much, that he has his own bedroom.

And now, he has this wonderful little girl who adores him. And she cannot at all comprehend that daddy needs his space each and every morning. She loves to see him first thing. Banging on his door, yelling away, DADDY!!! DADDY!!! YOU HOME? DAAAA-DDDDDYYYYY!!!

I can see Charles is absolutely pushed to his very limit on these mornings. He loves his daughter more than anything in this world. It's fascinating to me (and nerve-racking) to witness him catching himself. He is holding himself back with every single bit of his might.

My little daughter, once again, is attempting to tame the beast.

It's amazing to me, what our children do to us. This little girl makes me want to be better. Better with a driving, crazed, determined force like never before. Sometimes, deep inside of me, I worry of failing her. But nothing, nothing, makes me try, like her.


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