pigtails + triangles

I've been waiting so long for these!!!

triangles by you.

And, inspired by the autumn colours outside our window, I have stitched these triangles up and laid them all out on our wall using a bit of scotch tape. They are now ready to be sewn all together with a muslin border all in between. I miss having a blanket around to hand-quilt - it's been a while - and now that the days are chilly and the nights are growing so dark I have found myself craving the satisfying activity of hand-quilting something cozy.

My tree quilt will be a long time coming before it is ready to be hand-quilted, although this is intentional. (It is meant to be a slow project.) I was suprised how quick these triangles are compared to making all those little trees! And I appologise to all of you who have sent me sweet notes regarding the making of trees with me, for I have still to get together my scraps and instructions to send to all of you. Another thing in the back of my head each day to do... they are coming I promise!

It is my way to have dozens of projects all happening simultaneously - but recently I've been feeling a need to write lists as I feel like I haven't been keeping track of all my things very well lately. I really need to find some time to tidy up my workspace, and get organised both inside and out.


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