making circles

Every morning we wake up together and the first thing we do is open the blinds and peep out and see what kind of day it is outside. Lately these first peeks have been filled with sunshine and I instantly know what kind of day we will have. I keep hoping that these days will last, and am grateful for every one of them. Because I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and I know well how the rains and the grey will come again soon...
flower picking by you.
I get a little stir crazy, though, when wandering around the neighbourhood Adelaide. She moves at an incredibly slow pace, every which way except the direction we're headed. This leaves me poking about the sides of trails trying to keep myself entertained, so I try to think of little projects I can bring along with us, to keep me busy too.
Lately I've been bringing a big bucket of chalk around with us and drawing a lot of circles all over. I find this a very satisfying activity to me for some reason(?). Every so often Addie helps me, she likes to scribble inside of a few of them. And sometimes I get her to hop hop hop all around in them, too. She also likes to stand right in the middle while I am draw a circle all around her feet. However, mostly Addie just does her own wandering about while I make my circles. It's good to have projects, no matter how insignificant. 
making circles by you.
in the circles by you.
And, I love some of the conversations I overhear, inspired by my circles... Does a perfect circle exist? The absolution of a circle in relation to its size! The newtonian properties of bubbles! The methodology of the compass! I adore living amongst these unconventional academic neighbours of mine.
in the wagon by you.
I am very pleased that a small farmer's market has begun here each wednesday afternoon, full of beautiful organic local fruits and vegetables, breads, preserves, and other treats. We've been heading there each week and picking up some lovelies for us. Today in our wagon: a bag of freshly baked oat berry muffins, fresh collard greens, cucumbers, onions, and a little yellow watermelon which we've been eating all afternoon, yum!

In our wagon with us today I also brought my camera, as I am hoping to capture my girl in the last of these beautiful autumn days. But already Adelaide is so over my photography and has little to no tolerance for me trying to take pictures of her. For all the dozens of shots that I take, the vast majority of them are variations of her moaning, such as these:

mama no more!!! by you.

I suppose these photos capture our time together too. Although I much prefer the other shots - the ones that capture our sweetest moments - such as this one: my baby girl sleeping soundly down in my lap, taken today upon our return home.

sleep by you.


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