We had a really lovely time visiting family and friends in Toronto, but it was even lovelier to return back home. Suprisingly enough, we missed out on any big snows back east, but we arrived home to several feet of whiteness upon our door. A snowy Christmas-time for us, after all!
But we are safe and cozy and warm in our little house and Addie and I have been only mostly peeping at the snowflakes from the windows. It feels so nice and perfect to be back here on the moutaintop. And I am happy that it is beginning to feel like home here, more and more each day. Slowly slowly I continue to unpack and organise, a little more each day. It is a bit easier now that Addie can crawl about and explore while I do so, and it makes me happy to re-discover old forgotten treasures hidden amongst the boxes!
I have a few goals for this 2008. This year I hope to learn to drive (!) and get my driver's license. I want to watch television only rarely, and spend less time online as well, in the hopes that I have more time to make things. I also hope to lose a bit of this pregnancy weight and begin to get back to the body that feels like my own. And begin a garden spot at the community garden, too!
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