10 months old

Adelaide is now 10 months old, and suddenly it seems as though we now have a little girl rather than a baby girl! She is very mobile crawling everywhere and she follows after Jack and Elliot all over the townhouse (thank goodness, we moved just in time!). She also adores standing up and will do so anytime she gets the chance. She loves to be walked around, and she can also now walk along on her own by using her little brio push-cart which is pretty amazing to see.

Adelaide really wants her independance, and she is starting to have little mini tantrums in frustration if she cant do everything she wants to be able to do. Her brain is awake and she wants to explore everything!

Addie's two top teeth have begun to push through her gums and look very painful. She is quite the eater and is quite the carb-girl. She loves to have rice and bread. When we eat she absolutely moans until she is able to try whatever we are eating, too. Her other favourite foods are yogurt, and of course, the boobie! Addie loves visiting our favourite Indian restarant here on the mountain where she feasts on pulao rice, whole-wheat roti, and mango lassi (and the attention of the waitresses!) She has a lovely personality and people seem to love her quite instantly.


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