one by one (plop plop plop)

one by one (plop plop plop) by lovelydesign

Reid is now 11 months old, and these days he is absolutely fascinated with books. But not in the way one would ordinarily assume - in their stories and beautiful images. And of cuddling up with mom or dad and sinking into a magical storytime together. Nope - Reid is fascinated with the mechanics of books - how they pull off of a shelf (plop, plop, plop) How they open up, how the spines move and turn the pages. How the stack-stack-stack up ever so nicely. Reid spends huge amounts of his day investigating these important things.

It seems to me that Reid takes in the world differently than this older sister did. He is a scientific investigator - constantly breaking things down and analyzing them, over and over again, his tiny fingers flying over moving pages and other cranks and buttons. I am fascinated by him, and I love sitting back and watching his brain whirring away - breaking things down and begin to understand the mechanics of the world around him.

And - my oh my is he a sweetheart! See that look on his face, right there? That look pretty much sums him right up. Pure sweetness.... I am one lucky lady! Spent my whole life looking for my dream guy and finally settled for his father. (Love you, Charles!) Who ever knew my dream guy would be my little son... no one ever told me this.


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