making valentines, making home

valentines day by lovelydesign
Today is our first Valentines Day together in our new home. It's been a rough move - I ended up coming down with Pneumonia and let me tell you Pneumonia is no fun in the middle of a mid-January move with two little kids hanging off of you.

But things are beginning to settle in slowly, and little by little this place is beginning to feel like our own (and less like we are squatting in someone else's house!)

I got Addie started early on making Valentines for the kids in her preschool class. Most of our supplies are still packed away and I've been a bit fried, so I just set her up with loads of hand-cut paper and fabric hearts in all sizes, glitter glue, and bits of ribbon and washi tape and let her go at it. She is one enthusiastic maker and happily went at it here and there all week pumping out valentines. We packed them up in glassine pockets with a few sweet stickers and an organic lollipop.

I hope that Addie will carry this love of making her entire life. I have a feeling that she will.


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