Five-and-a-half months old

My little boy Reid is now 5.5 months old and he is really, really incredibly sweet. He has an amazingly laid back and joyful disposition which we all are charmed by.

Reid's very favourite thing is to be out all day long, checking out the world. (He gets frustrated if we stay home too much.) Reid has the biggest eyes and I really cannot walk half-a-block without someone stopping to talk to him or me overhearing "look at that babies' eyes.. so bright!!!" One day Reid and I had a hot date together, we went on an 6 hour walk all through Vancouver. He was in heaven! (And I counted 27 people who commented on or stopped to talk to him.)

Reid is very interested in the world and in doing everything we do, so he's desperate to move around. He's almost crawling and scoots himself all around on the floor (Trouble!).

Reid is desperate to eat and spends most of our dinner times together moaning at us and trying to grab food off of our plates and get it into his mouth. (So different from Adelaide, who had zero interest in food and would only nurse exclusively for well over a year.) With our doctor's advise, we have started Reid on solid food. This week, tired of listening to him moan, I went and picked him up a box of Cheerios. He is very pleased with himself and his Cheerios!

When I was pregnant I was worried that I wouldn't - couldn't - love anyone as much as I love my daughter Adelaide. But it is possible - to have and to feel more love, so incredibly much.

My heart is bigger (and swollen!) because of this little boy.


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