our miniature garden

I used to be bothered by a small gap which ran all along the steps of our stoop. The gap was only a couple of inches wide, but in places very deep. This careless flaw irked me, and I often imagined a little foot, hand, or treasure eventually becoming stuck in the crack.

Last summer Adelaide and I spent about a month together, planting a miniature garden in the bothersome gap. A little bit here and there we chiseled and dug it out a bit more, sweeping and clearing away carefully like a couple of archaeologists. Once our task was done we traveled by bus to our favourite garden centre, where we were reassurred that our choice in vegetation - chicks and hens - would last the cold winters of our Canadian mountain. Together we then carefully selected our favourite little babies, loading then up in our stroller for the journey home. Several bus trips and transplants later, we had our miniature garden, running along each of the 11 steps to our front door. A pretty little solution to the possibility of a trapped toe!

I am so pleased that our babies have survived the winter (although it was mild) and they are thriving! Adelaide and I have now begun to clear out the opposite side of the stairway, in preparation of continuing our miniature garden. The gap on this side is much smaller and less irksome, but I am hoping that these magical little plants would love to call this place their home.


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