homemade goodie bags (+winners!)

Last week, I took my time and made up goodie bags. Because I wanted to give our little birthday party guests something useful and worth keeping (hopefully!), I looked around at a couple of shops such as Daiso to find some sort of little bags to use. But I also didn't want to spend a lot of money... $2 seems pretty inexpensive, until you start multiplying it by a dozen or more kids! I then realised that I could make up some simple little bags myself using supplies that I already had, and not have to spend a lot of money doing so.

After I decided to try and make my own drawstring gift bags, I wanted to find a nice way to personalise them. I have found that little ones (and anyone, really) really appreciate having things created especially just for them. And so I came up with the idea to make each child a bag with the first letter of their name on it.

pile of goodies by you.

I made the bags out of cotton muslin as it is inexpensive, simple, I already had a lot of it, and I just like it! The only supplies I had to purchase was some 3/16" cotton cording at .17 cents a metre, and a bit of Steam-A-Seam 2 double stick fusible web for the letter appliques.

It took me a few tries to make a sample that I was happy with, but once it was settled I was quite surprised on how quick and easy these little bags were to make. I began on Monday evening, and without any stress at all made a few bags here or there throughout the week, finishing up 13 bags up by Saturday morning.

I have made up a pattern and instructions if you'd like to make some of these gift bags, too! This is the first pattern that I have ever made, so please let me know how it goes and if you have any thoughts on how I could make it better:


When I had them all made, it was time to fill them up! I added two of the little note-books that I had made previously, a small pack of special japanese crayons, and a small treat: two individualized glassine pockets, one filled with organic cheese puffs, and the other with organic chocolate chip cookies. Perfect to munch on while making some drawings. Yum!

contents by you.

By time her party came yesterday, Adelaide was so excited with anticipation that I had to hide all the goodie bags from her - otherwise she would have simply handed them to anyone as they walked in the door! 

I think it is so important to encourage and show little children the joy to be found in sharing and giving. So when the time came I gave Addie the bags, one at a time, so she could find her friend and give them their gift herself. She loved doing this so very much - I could just tell how incredibly happy and proud she was to be able to personally give her friends a birthday treat, too!

addie's goodie bags by you.

ps. Thank-you all so much for your many comments and sweet words. I have now gone through all the comments for my children's book giveaway, and I have tried my best to pick winners by matching their animal preferences with what books I had left. And the winners are:




Andrea Soos



Julie E


The Flower Maiden

If you are a winner and you haven't heard from me yet, please send me your mailing information and I will mail out your prize!


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