out and about

Here now is a small photo journal of our walking (dawdling) tour today around the neighbourhood. I have found that bringing along my camera saves me from becoming too bored or impatient. Thank goodness it's fixed!

We began on a walking path through some bushes on our way to visit the mailbox. Addie is a big fan of lugging my keys all around with her. This walk would normally take me about 3 minutes, but with Addie these days it takes around half an hour or so.

Passing by our neighbour Thomas' house is a big event for Adelaide, as he has a water table and other assorted kid bait on his front stoop. It doesn't seem to matter to Addie if Thomas is home or not, and everyday we have to stop by and check out the goods. What is it with little kids and other people's toys?

I adore her pose here - as she has no idea that she's posing at all. I love the way she is just a little girl without being too much. Pure sweetness. I wonder if she will still melt my heart when she is 15? 25? 50? Does that ever end? 

There are a lot of little boys in this neighbourhood, and watching Adelaide trot after them reminds me of when I was a kid! 

Here is Addie with her friend and across-the-way neighbour Thomas now, we run into him and his beautiful mama most afternoons. Tom's parents are both scientists at the university, and I suspect that Thomas, at age 20 months, may be smarter than me. Thomas and Addie are very sweet together and they seem to enjoy each other's company very much. I never really realise just how brown my little bean is until she hangs out with Tom - and it's not even summer yet!

Pretty much anywhere you are in the Vancouver area, you can see the water tower at SFU on top of Burnaby Mountain. This Playground is right beneath the water tower (you can kind of see the concrete of it in the background here) I think its kind of neat that wherever you are in the city, if you look up you can see where there are always happy little kids playing, way above all else...

3 hours later, Addie and I are headed back home again through the forest trail. I've found a big old tree stump that I can set up and take a photo of us together. This photograph reminds me of a 70's Sears portrait studio shot! All that is missing is the fuzzy faux-sheepskin rug to kneel on!

It was a good day. Hope you had a good day, too.


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