a making place

Most afternoons, Adelaide will shut the door to her bedroom and take some time on her own to just make things - She says that she is doing her "work". I have set up a little table for her here, on top of which are rotated a selection of crafty materials - coloured pencils, paper, tapes and glues, stickers, little collage bits. I am happy to tidy and refresh the items every week or so, just for her.

The other day, I snuck in and took a few photographs of her at her work. As always, she completely ignored me and carried on, intent on her doings. She will only ever pause to request a specific item, perhaps a paper plate, or a bit of yarn. I am always enchanted by this, loving to stand back and witness her focus and creative intensity.

I often joke to friends - if they comment on Adelaide's focus and love of creating - that being an Artist is not an option in our house, and Addie knows that she must make stuff, or move on! Because Charles and I both work from our small home, making our living from our art, every day our daughter has been surrounded by art and creative projects. Often I wonder how this - if at all - will effect who she will become when she is all grown up. Will she carry creativity with her throughout her life? Will it become a vocation, a past time, a hobby, or nothing at all to her?

Addie is only four years old, so who can even know where her life will take her. But I am so curious to see who this little girl will become.


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