in between days

Here are some photographs from these in between days..
The past little while I've been quite sick, and so Adelaide and I have been spending a lot of time cuddled up in bed together reading stories, doing activity books, and drawing pictures. I'm surprised and in awe of how well she has been handling me not being very well - Thank goodness she has reached an age where I can explain things to her, and that more and more she also enjoys time to herself.
As much as possible, I've also been trying to get as many orders together and out from my big shop run, a couple of weeks ago now (where did the time go?!). I appologise for any delays, but now I am almost done. Thank you to everyone - for ordering - and for your patience!

Our cats Jack and Elliot - of course - are thrilled with my lack of health and are extremely supportive of me staying home all day and being in bed for much of it.

They are also always supportive of my creative projects, offering companionship, monitering my progress, watching over of my work space, and offering me lovely photographic opportunities, too!

To me, cats make the best studio-mates.


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