to the forest

I'm not sure if it is my imagination, but it really feels like this year has been chillier than most. I've been craving the sun so very much, but up until yesterday it seemed to remain elusive. The odd day when the sun did appear Adelaide and I would run right out into it, and spend every minute we could soaking some up.

I took these photographs (which, for some reason are uploading all jiggy) on an evening when the sun broke through the grey. Adelaide and I headed to the forest to find treasures, pick wildflowers, and feel some warmth.

We have now lived right beside this forest for about three years now, and I feel like it - in many ways - has become a part of us. Adelaide has always known it, and she takes pride in showing it off to visitors, enthusiastically pointing out the huckleberries or wild black raspberries. Lupine or Yarrow. Hummingbirds or Woodpeckers. I love it that she knows these things, and that they make her so happy.

It seems as though I can now always feel the forest breathing next to me, this gentle giant, and I find much comfort and calm in this.


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