i am here!

This afternoon we continued on organising our place and belongings - Adelaide adores being my little assistant (especially when sorting through bins of fabrics and papers!)

After all of the holidays and travels and visitors to disrupt our (very-loose) routine, it feels like Addie and I are settling back in, and are enjoying our time together much. Once again, during my days I feel so lucky and happy to be a mom!

It seems like before all I heard was negatives about becoming a parent. "oh, are you going to BREED?" people would comment, looking like they smelled something bad. "BUT... you're so talented!" Like any talent I have would evaporate suddenly when my child was born. So many friends didn't even say a word
when Addie came to us. Like she doesn't exist! I think these people pity me. Such a burden! Poor me.

I suppose this all has a little something to do with the joy that I feel being a mom now. No one ever just told me how wonderful this all could be! Of course, parenthood really is not for everyone. But I don't really get why people feel the urge to put down and be so unsupportive each others choices. I just hope everyone finds their happiness. Truly.


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