one more beautiful soul

Over the weekend I went to clear out the remaining things at my studio. For the longest while my head had been filled with cozy memories of my special place, and I was really feeling quite pathetic and melancholy about giving it all up. And dreading that very moment.

But when I stood in the centre of a now rather sad, empty, and disheveled room, I just about laughed right out loud! It hit me almost instantly, and rather bluntly: this empty space is not who I am!

What had made my studio special was what it had once been filled it with: my dreams, wishes, creations, treasures, and, me. And these things I shall take with me wherever this life will take me. Except now, I have one more beautiful soul to share it all with: my little daughter.

The snow has been falling here on the mountaintop all day, the world outside is white and still and cool and crisp and beautiful. My baby girl sleeps upstairs in our big bed, two kitties by her side. And I feel love.

Thank you to you all for your wonderful messages: each of your stories means so much to me. They are all helping me to sort this life all out, and I am grateful to you all for this. Love to you all tonight and always, sharilyn.


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