beautiful apple

Today Addie and I shared an organic gala apple (our favourite!)

I read an excellent article once. It explained that if we can always purchase not all, but a few specific organic fruits and vegetables, that just these few would hugely reduce the chemicals (poison) taken into our bodies. I always regret not jotting down this list of produce. But I remembered that one of the most chemical-laden fruits were apples, and I've been buying them organic ever since.

I finally found the list. This is mostly for my benefit, I want to always try keep it in mind! Here it is now:

    1. Peaches
    2. Apples
    3. Sweet Bell Peppers
    4. Celery
    5. Nectarines
    6. Strawberries
    7. Cherries
    8. Leafy Greens (lettuce, spinach)
    9. Imported Grapes
    10. Pears

    1. Baby Food
    2. Rice
    3. Milk
    4. Eggs
    5. Beef / Poultry


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