at the fence

at the fence by lovelydesign
at the fence, a photo by lovelydesign on Flickr.

i realised early on in the year that at the top of Reid's activity choices is to putter around our yard. I am over the moon with this realisation - and we have been getting much work done, side by side, moving rocks, uplifting the earth, weeding, preparing, discovering. I have many plans, but they are slow goals. I feel as though have no one to impress but myself - a rather satisfying feeling which in my experience usually yields the most fulfilling results. We shall see.

Out of school hours, and more and more as the grey wet days fade into brilliant sunshine, Adelaide will join us. Having this light-and-airy-fence installed last spring was one of the best things I had done. With it I can work on the street-side of our garden relatively stress-free, but still have closeness to them. Soon, I will stain it and add a few embellishments, i believe.

I am greatly enjoying this time with my children and the peace and contentedness and satisfaction which comes from gardening and work out-of-doors. It's like a sigh of relief for the soul.

Happy Spring!


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