This week's trivia

It has been an exciting week for me. Not good exciting though. I crash landed in the hospital with a condition that apparently strikes in very young children and is rare in adults. And the complication that I had was even rarer (only one measly page of relevant google results). The good news is that the bad news is over. I am back home recuperating and thinking that it must have been my baby soft skin that mislead the 'condition' into gracing me with it's presence. Ahem. [And Mr. Blog, you can stop that sniggering right this very moment!]

I had planned for a bunch of showcases and a special gallery for the facebook gang this week. Alas, it was not meant to be. Instead, like any self respecting individual with a shiny new camera, I shall shove show pics from my last vacation to you. Oh, and some from my home too.

  As you can see, I have a strong predilection for shiny light thingamajig, commonly referred to as chandeliers

Hmm...who do I love more? Paris or Cats? 

And a few from my home...

I'll be back next week hopefully. All ya folks out there - have a healthy weekend. No falling sick with rare conditions, OK?

[All pics have been taken by me and are owned by me and Mr. Blog] 


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