simple and sweet

Last month my computer hard-drive blew out, and I found myself computer-less for a while. While I definitely was feeling major anxiety about it, I also felt an overwhelming sense of relief! It was really lovely to be able to grab some time for myself, rather then those precious few moments turning into computer time. I found myself able to work on projects which I haven't had time to work on in months. It felt as though life with no computer was a little simpler and sweeter.

Now that my computer is back, I've been trying to remember this. I've realised how much time I spend on this box and how I really, in so many ways, don't really need to be. So I am trying to pull away and resist the call of the computer.

Lately, Adelaide and I have been having lovely days together, keeping things simple and trying to compromise with the teasing weather. Both of us are craving warm sunny days - it is already mid June and we are still sleeping in flannels!

I am one of those people that can get down easily by grey weather, but I am trying to keep myself occupied with little projects and household re-organisations to keep myself moving and motivated. Tidying the bathroom cabinets. Moving furniture around. Re-organising the kitchen cupboards. Designing labels. Planning quilting projects. Somehow after years of living like a slob I have discovered that completing these little tasks can help me to keep my mind off the grey and give me a calm and happy sense of satisfaction.

But every once in a while, the sunshine will appear for even just a few moments, and Adelaide and I will get a chance to get out, or at least do some gardening together. Or play games in the sun. Or perhaps host a patio tea party, complete with kitties and catnip.

Our sweet cat Jack absolutely adores flowers and gardens and foliage (and sunshine) so much. He is happiest when the weather is fine and he can be out in our garden all day long. I love it when he comes inside with his fur smelling all sweetly of lavender and herbs.

The other day I brought home some boxes of plants for our garden, and I left one box empty among them for him to make a nest in. He was so pleased - check out the big smile on his face!

I hope that you too have a smile on your face, like our Jack. And enjoying some simple and sweet (and perhaps even sunny?) days as well!


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