making time

It is taking so long!

It is amazing to me still, how long it takes me to get non-child things done now that I'm a mama. I have only one generally lovely little girl, and I am absolutely smitten with her, and with motherhood, much more than I would have ever thought is possible. But still getting the chance to do whatever I want, whenever I want, is such a rare luxury and a real treat these days! 

Often when I hear of others doing the simple things solo - such as taking the bus all by themselves - I am struck by their luxury. Wow! All of that time to just sit and relax and not to be in mama-mode - constantly on call: mentally, physically, and spritually - for one little person's needs... amazing! How lucky! A bus ride. Who would've thought that such a thing could be so grand.

I should really take one of those, all by myself, sometime.

So our new big studio / family art room is taking a while. I thought I would have it all done and cozy and ready to have loads of marvelous making done in it over one weekend or so - it's been 3 now - but there is no coziness. I am growing a little disconcerted with this lack of coziness. And the lack of making! 

I really - really - hope to be able to finish setting things all up, and be back making again soon!


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