beautiful-eyed one

waking up by you.
This afternoon I was working when I heard Adelaide waking up from her nap. I went to our sleeping room there she was, just sitting there so sweetly in the middle of our big bed. The light was so lovely that I ran and got my camera.

She is the most beautiful person I have ever met. My heart just aches for her and I have a feeling that this condition never will pass.

But Lately I have been growing more and more concerned about Adelaide's eyes and her vision. She doesn't seem to see that well and her eyes seem to bother her quite often. And her eyes - especially her left eye - are very crossed, and they seem to be growing worse.

I was hoping that these things would pass, but sitting just now and looking through these photographs in succession I can really see how her eyes are crossed and seem to be bothersome. And my heart aches even a little more for her.

So my questions are, for someone out there: Have you ever experienced this with a child? Have you taken your toddler to an eye doctor before - what was it like for them? Do you know of any specialists who work especially with little children (in the Vancouver area)?

Any thoughts or advice you may have would be much appreciated,

Thank-you ♥


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