
Well, I am now in recovery from over 2 weeks of step throat and bronchitus. Being very sick when you're a mother is not a good thing - and I am quite certain that all of you mamas out there know exactly what I'm talking about! It is really difficult to get better when "get plenty of rest" cannot and will not apply to you! 

The only good thing about being sick when you're a mother is knowing full force just how important you are. Our place pretty much falls apart when I get sick. But I'm discovering more and more in life that one of the secrets to happiness is a positive attitude, and so while I lay dying on the floor with my child moaning on top of me, I had time to look around and find nice things in my world that make me happy. Here are just a few!

adelaide's rocks by you.

Adelaide's growing rock collection. Most times when we're out wandering about she will pick up a rock and stick it in her pocket. Sometimes when they're all rough and nasty I'll give them back to the world later on, but the pretty ones, oh they are keepers! 

She keeps them all arranged on our kitchen window sill and every so often she'll move them from one sill to another and re-arrange them all again:

rock collection sorting by you.

Another growing collection: our family history in silver frames over our fireplace mantel (so much better than a TV - I wouldn't allow it) Adelaide loves these framed family photos and she will point all up at them moaning all excitedly...

over our mantel by you.

I've collected these framed family photographs, new, and old, over all over many years. I used to keep them all arranged together standing on top of a sideboard, but these days with greasy little fingers everywhere they work much better on the wall. I am always looking to find more little silver frames to add to our family collection.

birds by you.

The mailman dropped at our door a package from Italy the other day, in it were these two beautiful original antique bird prints, and I love them! I found them on ebay here. Now, I just have to find frames and a home for them, I think maybe next to our bed so I can see them when I wake up every morning.

reading corner by you.

And, being healthy again and reading with my girl! We made this cozy nook in our living room and filled it with soft lamps, pillows, artworks and books, and it is one of my favourite places to be. 

Adelaide is a book maniac. I always wanted to 'raise a reader' but - and I am ashamed to admit this - she is so into books that she annoys me sometimes! She moans and moans, and moans and moans, to have me read to her. And even though I began collecting books for her even before she was growing inside of me, I have been growing bored of ours already, and she's not even two years old yet! A weekly trip to the library may be needed... for me!!! 

p.s. The book we are reading here is Goodnight Owl by Pat Hutchins. Recommended for any toddlers who are really interested in Owls, just like my girl!

p.p.s. My Girlfriend Becky, who lives in San Francisco and is also a mama, designed the alphabet poster on the wall and sent it to me. I love it! I don't think she is selling prints, but you can visit her here.

p.p.p.s. I believe that the colour of our living room walls is Gaussian Blue by Benjamin Moore.


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