coming to autumn

The past couple of weeks I've really noticed once again the days growing shorter and chillier. Between another road trip to Portland and Seattle, Adelaide and I have been busy with our many projects.  
I adore our Cedar Waxwing bird friends, they are so sweet! We often take a walk down to the marshes to visit them, and they always gather, swoop all around us and perch real close to watch us curiously. They are the most charming birds I have ever met and I am hoping that they will stay the winter but have a feeling they will be moving on real soon.
crabapple collecting by you.
Our neighbourhood is full of crabapple trees, so covered in fruit that their limbs are sagging and almost breaking from the weight. Adelaide took a little stool around with us and picked two big bowls. My mom came and we quartered and cored them all to make crabapple jelly and crabapple butter, and then a big batch of spicy crabapples to have at Thanksgiving.
Everything is so the most beautiful colour, our home smells amazing, and the results are delicious! There are so many crabapples left on the trees - no one seems to be interested in them but us - so I am thinking of gathering some more to make crabapple liqueur and rosy crab apple pie filler, too. And I still have yet to design up some labels for them all.
preserves by you.
favourite chair by you.
Charles and I recently discovered this beautiful old Eames rocker and now it lives with us, much to Adelaide's delight! It is now by far her favourite chair (and plaything) and it is so nice to have furniture that you love and is also child-proof. I love it.


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