
Lately I've been feeling so very bored and restless. Charles has been good enough to listen to me moan and groan, and then throw Addie and me in the car and whisk us away on little spontaneous roadtrips. 
Last weekend, we headed to Seattle for the night, and we had an such a lovely time. We stayed at the Watertown Hotel which was simply perfect (a knock on the door and there is a complimentary cart full of toys and art supplies for Addie!) We ate great food, visited charming Seattle neighbourhoods, and took Addie to the zoo to visit baby Uzumma!
This week I kept checking craigslist for last-minute cancelations, and found this cottage on Bowen Island available. Off we went! 
I had never been to Bowen Island before but to me it is an almost magical place. We spent our days there on the beach and swimming in the warm ocean water, eating yummy food, perusing through the artisan's and farmers markets, and finding treasures at the annual book sale. Oh, and watching a movie under the stars. Another wonderful weekend. Thanks Daddy!

at the cottage by you.

A sweet 1920's cottage became our home

in the cottage by you.

The inside of the cottage. I love the colour of this room and would like to paint our bedroom a similar colour one day, too (been considering this forever now - and the perfect shade of yellowy cream).

 welcome! by you.

Addie hanging out on the front steps. Hello!

with daddy by you.

Because we are still not settled on Adelaide's official full name, Addie doesn't yet have a passport and so we are unable to fly out of Canada with her. I am so torn on this, as Charles and I do not have the same last name and Addie and I do not have the same last name. I suppose that it may seem silly to some, but this makes me feel so very uneasy and strange - that my daughter and I are not linked in this way. Her small birth certificate has no mention of me and it makes me uncomfortable... I feel like in some ways, officially, I have no way to prove she belongs with me. Which is strange, because Addie and I are such a team - we are always together and rarely ever apart. 

We've had the papers to change Adelaide's name to include my surname (I believe as a third name, rather than her having a long and hyphenated last name). Sometimes I think, "oh forget about it", and just want to go get her passport already. But this feeling down in my heart is there and it doesn't feel right. I am not sure if I should just get over myself or if my feelings have some merit. Has anyone reading this ever struggled with this? 


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