the best spot, and a winner!

I have spent the past several days a little bit overwhelmed from trying to sort out orders, running around picking up more mailing supplies and items from my storage space, and trying to be loving and considerate to my little Adelaide, who cracked 2 new teeth in the meantime.

So this morning when we woke to a sun-filled room, I set in my mind to try to have a regular day with a more laid-back pace of normal errands and activities. And clean up the house a bit! It's been getting pretty run down in my haste as of late.

A few weekends ago Charles and I moved another large Ikea Expedit shelf down from upstairs and placed it along with our other same shelf out from the wall in an "L" formation. SInce we did this, our living room has become more and more cozy, and it's so nice to have this little reading type of nook on the other side. But Jack has also found this to be quite cozy, and the little brat has been going about knocking my vintage globes off the top of the shelf, one by one, until a cozy space has been made for him, too. Sometimes when I'm puttering about I'll feel a bit strange, and then I realise that he is up there, peering down on me. He is a lion.

This afternoon while Addie naps, I have taken an opportunity to get my address file giveaway all set up. I wrote down all of the names on scraps of card stock and have tossed them in one of my old boxes. It has a small handle slit cut on the side, and so I will now shake shake shake the box until a card slips out...

and the winner is.... Carlene!

WELL. now I really wish that I had more address files to give out. I really have the urge to keep shaking this box and getting more winners out of it. sigh. I will be having more giveaways for sure. But in the meantime, Carlene please contact me if I don't get to you first!

And have I ever mentioned before how crazy in love I am with my daughter? No kidding! Oh, but now, she is becoming so fascinating for me to just sit back and watch. She's always got something going on, her little projects happening with her tiny fingers flying just like Edward Scissorhands. Yep, I'm in love.


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