beautiful sleep

Today, for the first time in many weeks, Adelaide took a nap.

To me, Adelaide's naps are the most beautiful of all her sleeps. In the light of the afternoon I can see her well, and just how beautiful and sweet and full of peace she can be. Elliot will be the happiest guy around because he'll get to snuggle right in her. And when Addie wakes up from a nap, she is the most charming little person you will ever meet. But best of all, I get an hour or two of time all for my very own... Naps are fantastic things!

Well, since Adelaide suddenly stopped napping several weeks ago, I've become a little frazzled. I didn't realise how important this time has become to me. Suddenly - and without any warning - I don't have those precious few moments a day to catch up on all those many mounting emails, or to put together some goods, or to work on some ideas, package up some orders, or even simply tidy up my studio a little bit. Suddenly, I have found myself without my best personal assistant ever: a little bit of uninterrupted, quiet, solo time!

Each and every time this parenthood thing seems to get a little bit easy to me and I find myself thinking: "Oh, this is great! A piece of cake! I can do this, and I can do it well! And, run my business, too... no sweat!" My little daughter will pick my vibe, and she will switch it all right up. She will get sick. Or start waking up at 6 am. Or refusing to go to bed (or nap). Or maybe she will just need to be held all day long, for no apparent reason at all. Instantly, she will toss me right back on my butt into a much humbler place. Where I belong!

But - today - my little girl napped. Once more. Perhaps for the last time ever. And it was marvelous.


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