
Recently, Adelaide has begin enjoying the practice of hair-styling. As a bribe when getting her dressed each morning (which can be quite a struggle) I have learned to give her her basket of little hair supplies and tell her to pick out which ones she would like to wear. After she is dressed, we move to the bathroom where she stands up on the toilet in front of the mirror and has me style her hair.

Her hairstyles are usually of the pigtail variety, but they usually only last a few minutes unless I supervise her wandering fingers. Lately, however, she has been instructing me for an up-do. This requires about 6 hairclips, and I simply turn her locks of hair on either side of her face, twist them back and clip them up in the back. For some reason, she loves having her hair done like this, and will leave it in rather then pulling it all out.

And she also really enjoys styling Elliot's hair. Poor Elliot, if there were a prize for the most patient kitty he should win it. Adelaide adores combing and brushing him, and then attempting to style his hair using her little hair clips. Of course, her little fingers aren't quite there yet, so after she tires of sort of jabbing Elliot with the clips, she will then proceed to very specifically art direct me as to what selected clip should go precisely in what spot.

Odd thing is, she hasn't tried this on anyone else, yet... only lucky Elliot.

elliots_hairstyle by you.


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