on and on...

from: October 2nd, 2004

there's so many things i want to do, i don't know why i have this constant personality pause before i can ever begin?

It's been a busy past month or so yet i possess this constant nag inside that i should (i really should) be working much more than i have been. Working alone... i think... is starting to wear on me. It's fantastic not having to deal with idiot colleagues, egotistical yet undertalented males, and office politics (amen). But a year of solid alone time chatting it up to my only co-workers the cats is making me mental. I realised this much so when charlie worked from home on thursday and it was the most productive day i've had in weeks, simply because there was someone else there to shoot the shit with and keep the voices in my brain down to a minimum while i made. ugh. I've made it a goal to get out for lunch or tea with someone at least once a week. oh, but it's so much effort....

So i was looking at studio spaces for a while and receiving the adreneline that always comes with a big purchase - but then i had the brainwave that maybe i should hold off and put my extra money into new product now that christmas is coming. oh and christmas is coming. and i feel quite certain that unless i get off my ass in a very big way, i will never be ready. i have so much to do yet need someone to kick me in the ass to get moving. somebody find me a project manager / scheduler / whip mongerer!

In other news, this past month i began selling to retail shops for the first time (other than some vancouver locations). I haven't approached any retailers myself yet but merely responded and sent catalogues and terms of sale to the retailers who have send inquiries to me over the past few years. I've been filling these orders and so far these shops havemy stuff: factory 37 (london), spring (brooklyn), A|A Bookstore + Design Center (philadelphia), ferdinand (portland, maine), composition (denver), cut+paste (nyc), r a y e (houston),nucleus gallery (los angeles), and of course inform (vancouver).

I am pleased to have the journey books be part of the speaker goodie bags for the blue sky conference: canadian perspectives which is happening in winnipeg this month. I also received a (somewhat odd) email from the amsterdam-based design team who produce the KLM in-flight magazine, "Holland Herald". Apparantly, they want to put the address file in their upcoming issue on WORK. so if you happen to fly KLM in the next season, please pick one up for me??

and on and on.


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