Olivia Fraser

I chanced upon Olivia's paintings last week and thoroughly enjoyed browsing through her take on life and people on the streets of Indian cities, as well as her contemporary interpretation of traditional Indian art forms. 

Olivia Fraser followed her ancestor James Baillie Fraser's footsteps, and first came to India in 1989. She fell in love not only with India but also with the Indian miniature paint techniques. She is now settled in India along with her husband William Dalrymple (who also happens to be one of my favorite authors!), and captures people, monuments, streets scenes, patterns, color and mood via her vivid paintings.

Above: Olivia's recent work, inspired also by the Nathdwara school of paintings.

People, their vocation, their celebrations

And my favorites: Monuments and watercolors, and monuments in watercolors!

I am going to keep an eye out for her next exhibition in the city to take in her paintings in person. Also, for readers interested in learning miniature art, Olivia teaches a workshop on miniature paintings, in collaboration with the Jaipur Virasat Foundation in Jaipur. Check the schedule here!  

[All images copyrighted to Olivia Fraser]


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