
This morning I woke up with another idea for a little quilt in my head, and I've been itching to sew all day since. It is these times I get the notion in my head - "If I really get down to it, I can sew the entire quilt in one day - Addie can help!!!" Yeah, right! Usually I am so busy with everything else life brings that I never even begin. At least today we did some drawings of the idea, and even this feels like an accomplishment!

My head has been full of so many ideas lately, there are so many projects which I want to create. But I am beginning to become a little frustrated with it all. So many ideas, so little time to actually make them. Scrap papers with notes and drawings are littered all over my nightstand and workroom, with little to no movement on them. I feel like my brain is starting to overflow.

So I am planning on closing down my online stop in the coming week. Not that I have much to sell these days, but orders have been coming in a brisk steady flow, and any spare time I have is spent fulfilling orders. This is beginning to frustrate me, and I am growing more certain that I am not up for a Christmas rush this year. I am longing to have even just a little bit of time to work on some of the ideas whirring around in my head. If only I could get them out into reality!


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