the prettiest day

Today is the prettiest day I can ever recall, it is bright and sunny and there is snow up over my knees.

Adelaide and I spent the morning outdoors, feeding our many bird friends and knocking all the snow off of our silly hunched over trees that have never learned to shed their leaves. We shoveled out our steps and walk, and then our elderly neighbour's, too.

on the path by you.

Then together we took our sled and slid away down the path and into the forest and spent a little time inside, in awe of at the beautiful hushed white stillness, and at the funny little yellow birds who skittered across the snow to us, peek for a moment, and then away again... I've never seen them before today.

in the forest by you.

My heart is happy, today it is so beautiful and so cozy and I feel so fortunate to have our little house at the edge of the forest nature reserve. For on a day like this, and step off the path into the quiet hushed snowy forest world, it is magic!

Finally Adelaide had enough (ENOUGH!) and I had to stumble home through the deep drifts carrying her, the sled, and my camera all the way back home. But I made up for it by making hot grilled cheese sandwiches...mmmm! So good. 

And now, while I type, she is tucked safely in with our boys, who are just so pleased to share their bed with a warm little girl!

cozy_inside by you.


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