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Archives for October 2007
Reporting alive and kicking...
Hello from Boston!
Though we gotta say goodbye...
Farah Mahbub
I wanna fall from the stars...
beautiful apple
Kingdom in the Himalayas
my girl
my desk-spot
Lay a whisper...
Strippy Strips
And I thought I had stumbled to an Indian village...
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{let's discuss: how do you care for your underthings?}
Happy Tuesday friends! Today I've got a bit of a confession ... I often don't treat my bras the way they deserved to be treated. I...
{what’s your style in one picture? a challenge}
What’s the one picture that sums up your design style?? Tough question, isn’t it? Well, that’s the question Ally of From the Right Bank has...
Villa Kadiri
So first of all, I don't post for two weeks. And then when I do, I bring to you over-the-top exotic opulence from a beautiful desert lan...
Falling for fall
Do you feel the nip in the air? I certainly do! I feel myself gravitating towards Cozy throws, warm spicy soups, the idea of fireplaces, Aut...
{currently coveting: umbrella stands}
Why do I not already own an umbrella stand? I live in Vancouver. For those of you across the globe from me - Vancouver rains. About 80% of o...
creating simple treasures for little children
Because my daughter Adelaide turned four last month, I spent a couple of weeks - here and there - thinking up many simple treasure for littl...
Got any spare change?
Well, you see I need to buy one Or, to be honest A couple of these gorgeous houses And any spare change would go a long way.. ..In my dream...
{designer profile: dorothy draper}
From the 1930’s to the 1960’s, Dorothy Draper was America's most famous decorator, and was the first to ‘professionalize’ the interior d...
{photographer profile: bill cunningham}
Joana Avillez Well, it's a new year, I'm home from New York City and I can't seem to get it out of my mind! I'm sure many ...
Jaya Ibrahim
Jaya Ibrahim , son of a Javanese princess and a diplomat father, is one of the foremost interior designer in Indonesia. Jaya's designs a...
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